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Fall Rush 2024

Kappa Eta Sigma Chi will host its next rush cycle in Fall 2024. Email us at to be kept informed about our first rush events.

Why rush?

Rushing Sigma Chi is one of the best decisions a Harvard undergraduate can make. Reasons to join include:

  • Lifelong friendships. Brothers of our chapter form lifelong bonds with a diverse group of talented peers.

  • Social opportunities. We provide ample opportunities for socialization both within the Harvard community and with students from schools all across the Boston area, with the added comfort of a privately-owned space.

  • Community service. Our chapter is dedicated to improving the surrounding community. We hold an annual community service drive called Derby Days that benefits the Children's Miracle Network. In addition, brothers volunteer at soup kitchens, help out at homeless shelters, run for charity in the Boston Marathon, and participate in Relay for Life.

  • International connections. Sigma Chi is an international fraternity, with more than 200 chapters across the United States and Canada.

  • Alumni network. Past brothers have gone on to become CEOs, distinguished professors, high-ranking government officials, renowned doctors, and Hollywood actors. They will help guide you through college and beyond.

We hold rush in the fall. Rush is a period for you to get to know the organization and its members (and vice versa) through a number of events. You consider our organization's fitness for you and we consider your fitness with our organization. We evaluate prospective brothers by the Jordan Standard of admitting no man to membership who is not judged to be:

  • A man of good character

  • A student of fair ability

  • With ambitious purposes

  • A congenial disposition

  • Possessed of good morals

  • Having a high sense of honor and

  • A deep sense of personal responsibility

Kappa Eta Sigma Chi brothers come from all across the globe and from all walks of life. We do not discriminate based on ethnicity, sexual orientation, or economic status. If we offer you a bid to join our fraternity and you accept, you and your pledge brothers (the other students who have received and accepted a bid) will begin the semester-long program of pledgeship in Sigma Chi. During pledgeship you will learn much about your personal character and that of your pledge brothers, the history of our fraternity, and the principles that we uphold. In addition, you will participate in various social activities, such as organizing a fraternity-wide dinner, going on a road trip with your pledge brothers, and various outings with Sigma Chis. If, at the end of the semester, you have demonstrated the qualities of a true Sigma Chi, you will be initiated into our fraternity.


If you're interested in rushing Harvard Sigma Chi, please contact our rush chairs

© 2024 Kappa Eta Sigma Chi

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